April 8, 2024

Embodiment is knowing yourself enough to trust the process even when everything feels a little precarious.

As her majesty @brenebrown puts it: Knowledge is only rumor until it lives in the bones.

Humans are meaning making creatures ✨

And my goodness, I love the idea that almost everything we think and hold to be true can (and often does) change over time.

That we make so much meaning of what we hold to be true, and also have the ability to completely change our minds.

That something can feel devastating and then feel like a blessing. That people can and do change. That people can and do remain the same.

Life flips everything upside down (get it, cause I’m in a headstand in this picture) and we get to adapt, change, evolve, grow. And to be fair, growth isn’t always linear.

The North Star is trusting your body, trusting yourself, trusting the process.

📸 @iamhayleybrooks
taken at @firecreekretreat in Burnsville, NC

Rachel Zitin

American girl living in Rome, living a healthy balance between wellness and wine, yoga and la dolce vita, sharing embodiment practices and real life tools to help you live your best life.


April 13, 2024


March 31, 2024